Seminars for Corporates, Government, Schools, etc.
I offer a variety of exciting, engaging, out-the bOx seminars. These seminars range from short motivational sessions of 30 minutes to weekend Strategy sessions. They're tailored to the audience both in terms of the price, duration, and context. However, every seminar has one common feature - It is UNFORGETTABLE. My promise is that if the seminar is not Unforgettable, Highly Engaging and does not leave you a better person, I will give you your money back. Please contact me to find out more.
Reality Visioning

The ability to create a real vision can not only empower you to live your life with purpose, but it can also have a very real and tangible impact on the events in your life now. Quantum physics has turned upside down our understanding of time, space and causality. “The common sense view of the world, in terms of objects that really exist ‘out there’ independently of our observations, totally collapses in the face of the quantum factor” (Niels Bohr, Nobel Prize Physics). Our simple 3D view of the world is being challenged and so too is the impact that real vision - reality visions - can have on our lives.Reality visioning is a philosophy, as series of principles and a practice for changing the way we view vision. It is based on Quantum physics, and uses the principles of Quantum physics to support and implement an approach to building Reality Visions. Go here to find out more.
Fly YOUR Colours

From Ag Shame to Ayoba, from Wors to Vuvuzela we are a nation of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and languages - yet when we unite, when we understand and celebrate our unique diversities, we have the power to achieve the impossible. One US journalist marveling at experiencing Ubuntu said, "As the 2010 Cup slogan goes, 'Feel it, it is here'. Well I have felt it, because I am here." And now it is our time as South Africans to not only Feel It, but Live it, because we are STILL here!
This workshop is a fascinating, fun, life-changing look at how we can better understand each other. Using an engaging personality profile, participants come away with a communication tool that will be useful in every part of life - home and work. It will be a real "Eureka" moment for many who attend...guaranteed! Download a brochure with more details here!
This workshop is a fascinating, fun, life-changing look at how we can better understand each other. Using an engaging personality profile, participants come away with a communication tool that will be useful in every part of life - home and work. It will be a real "Eureka" moment for many who attend...guaranteed! Download a brochure with more details here!
Run to Success

Running is something that I really enjoy, but not only do I enjoy it for its obvious health benefits, I enjoy it for the parable it is in life. This seminar uses running and exercise (with a liberal sprinkling of true stories) to teach people about success. It's all about having a Passion, Plan, Purpose and Path. Without all of these elements we will find we just never seem to cross the finish line.
Using engaging visual aids and memorable stories, the seminar helps people put practical solutions into their lives to help them achieve the potential that everyone is capable of achieving. After all, I managed to run the 89km Comrades marathon...when I never thought it would be possible! To get a sense of our fun approach to running and this parable for life pop into this site...who knows, you may end up running a marathon too.
Using engaging visual aids and memorable stories, the seminar helps people put practical solutions into their lives to help them achieve the potential that everyone is capable of achieving. After all, I managed to run the 89km Comrades marathon...when I never thought it would be possible! To get a sense of our fun approach to running and this parable for life pop into this site...who knows, you may end up running a marathon too.
Touch Life

So what's up with us often being tired, often being sick, often being depressed? Could it be, that for many of us, it is rooted in the fact that we have lost touch with what our forefathers all enjoyed? Could it be that we live such insulated, such cocooned lives we no longer live life at all? Touch Life will not only open your eyes to how severe the condition has become, but will help you assess and rediscover your energy and vigour by re-awakening your experience of life. Based on a book, Touch Life, this workshop (done in a really different way) is a great team-building event that help rejuvenate the body and spirit by simply learning to Touch Life. By reawakening our sense of our environment, by learning that dancing in the rain can be more invigorating than anything else, we go on an journey that returns us to our youth...and the energy we once had. See here to find out more about Touch Life and the book.
Irresistible Web
There is no doubt that the Web is changing the way we do things. Whether it is education, entertainment, business or government. Every aspect is being changed. This workshop (tailored to the audience and context) takes a simple yet powerfully practical look at how powerfully Web 2.0 technology can be used in our lives. Once we understand the power, we can change in a significant way, the way we learn, earn, manage and govern. Using some fascinating videos, that make this all so easy, and some irresistible examples, the workshop will open the eyes of attendees to possibilities they were never aware of...possibilites with amazing potential. To see some of what is taking place in Education with Web 2.0 visit my NextEd project here - this will just give a taste of what can happen even more powerfully in many other aspects of life.
Internet Dangers
WOW, the Web is fun...but so too is it dangerous. Yet sadly, many parents and teachers are not aware of the dangers, while children excitedly explore this valuable and exciting world. The Internet Dangers seminars are aimed at a variety of audiences. Seminars aimed at teachers and parents help to make care givers aware of the risks and how to help protect their children. Seminars aimed at the children are tailored either to Senior Primary or to High School learners and make them aware of the risks in a fun, somewhat scary, but informative way. Using loads of entertaining visual aids the children are shown how to be careful when they are online. To find out more visit or the Keep Facebook Safe group.
Really Amazing

There are many other topics that I also offer from lifestyle, to technology, to management, to Christianity. If you want something else, or something specifically tailored to your needs, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will do my best to accommodate you.
My passion is to share irresistible, authentic, life-changing messages with people. If that is what you are looking for, then contact me.
My passion is to share irresistible, authentic, life-changing messages with people. If that is what you are looking for, then contact me.