Publications - NextEd Project - Research Tools - PhD
Research Publications, Awards & Media Publicity

Books (see here for more)
Erwin G.J., and Blewett C.N. (First print 1996, reprinted 1998) Business Computing: An African Perspective, Juta and Company Ltd., Capetown, South Africa
Erwin G.J., and Blewett C.N. (1998) Computing for a Small Business, Juta and Company Ltd., Cape Town, South Africa.
- IBM Faculty Award 2008 for "outstanding faculty" and "innovative, collaborative research"
- Best Paper Award, SACLA Conference, July 2009
- Best Paper Award, SACLA Conference, July 2003
- Most Innovative Presentation, SACLA Conference, July 2003
- Best Paper in Information Technology in Developing Countries Track, 32nd annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Media Publicity & Articles
Innovation Award - UKZNdaba
UKZN First centre to use IBM-SA Second Life Platform
Virtual University wins innovation award
Virtual University wins R1.3 million grant
TEDx Conference 2010 & TEDx Conference 2010
UKZNdaba August 2010 - Opening up new Frontiers
Cosmopolitan Jan 2011 - The state of Technology
Cosmopolitan Feb 20111 - Internet Trolls
Journals and Conference Papers
Z. Bulbulia, C. Blewett, R. Quilling, P. Kanyiwamuyu, Student challenges in a virtual collaborative learning course spanning multiple countries, Teaching & Learning Conference, 20 - 22 September 2010
R. Quilling, C. Blewett, M. Hughes, Transforming ICT4D through Web 2.0, 12 Annual Conference on World Wide Web Applications, 21-23 September, 2010
Craig Blewett & Rosemary Quilling, “The Search for iTopia” , Faculty Teaching Day, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 16 Sept 2010 - View Presentation
R. Quilling, C. Blewett, T. Shea, D. Lewis, P. Kanyiwamunyu, An Ubun2.0 Paradigm for Technology-Enabled Higher Education, , Faculty Teaching Day, 16 Sept 2010 - View Presentation
R. Quilling, C. Blewett, NextEd: Web2.0 & a sustainable approach to Internationalising students, Internationalisation at Home, 25 August 2010 - View Presentation
Crose Quible (C. Blewett, R. Qulling), The Journey to Ubun2.0, TEDxUKZN 2010, May 2010 - View Presentation
R. Quilling, C.Blewett, T. Shea, D. Lewis, P. Kanyiwamuyu, M, Maharaj, NextEd: an Ubun2.0 paradigm for technology enabled higher education, 5th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training, e-Learning Africa 2010, Zambia, May 26-28, 2010.
C. Blewett & R. Quilling, Teaching & Learning Portal - Learning & Sharing, UTLO Symposium, Exploring the Frontiers of e-Learning @ UKZN, 7 May 2010 - View Presentation
R. Quilling, C. Blewett, Teaching 2.0: When the student is ready will the teacher disappear, Alternation, Vol 16, No.1, 2009.
T. Shea, P. Sherer, R.Quilling, C. Blewett, Twitter as an Emerging Technology fro Business School Students: Learning and Engagement in a Cross Cultural Environment, Proceedings of 17th EDINEB Conference, June 9-11, 2010, Thames Valley University, London UK,
B Sarawan, R Quilling, C Blewett, "Real World Sold, Moving to Virtual World" - An investigation into the impact of the Global Economic Situation on Virtual World business, University of KwaZulu-Natal Business Management Conference 2009, 5-7 November 2009
T Shea, P Sherer, R Quilling, C Blewett: 2009 - Bringing the world a little closer together: Designing Tasks for effective cross-class global virtual teams, 10th International Human Resource Management Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 21-24 June 2009
T Shea, G Ariguzo, C Blewett, D Lewis, R Quilling, S White, NextEd - A Project Utilizing Web 2.0 to Create an Open African Higher Educational Network, Global Forum 2009 - Business As An Agent of World Benefit, Cleveland Ohio, USA, 2-5 June 2009
R Quilling and C Blewett, Teaching 2.0: When the student is ready will the teacher disappear?, South African Computer Lecturers Association, July 2008 (Best Paper Award)
C N Blewett and D Achmad, Towards identifying predictors of student performance in learning computer programming at a South African university, South African Computer Lecturers Association Conference, July 2005
U G Singh and C N Blewett, Physician heal yourself: The Paradox of IT Educators and Educational Technology Tools, CITTE 2004, 1-3 September 2004
U G Singh and C N Blewett, Potholes on the Educational Superhighway: An identification of the factors hindering the usage of Educational Technology tools by University IT departments in South Africa, South African Computer Lecturers Association Conference, July 2004
C N Blewett and U G Singh, THE COBBLER'S CHILDREN HAVE NO SHOES: An investigation into the usage of Educational Technology Tools within University IT departments in South Africa, South African Computer Lecturers Association Conference, July 2003 (Best Paper Award)
R D Quilling and C N Blewett, The Research Pyramid - Taking Honours' students up to see the view, South African Computer Lecturers Association Conference, July 2003 (Most Innovative Presentation Award)
C N Blewett and U G Singh, An Investigation into the usage of web-based education tools by University IT departments in South Africa, 5th Annual Conference on World Wide Web Applications, September 2003
R Quilling, P. Warren and C. Blewett, Interdisciplinary Teams in Information Systems & Technology Education: Action Research applied to Active Learning, ALARPM 6th & PAR 10th World Congress, September 2003
Frichol-Ford and Blewett, (2001) Accounting Packages - A Trial Balance, in Proceedings of SAAA Regional Conference, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa, 8th June 2001
Erwin, G.J. and Blewett, C.N. (1999), Information Systems Textbook Design for South Africa, The 32nd annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-32) Nominated for Best Paper in the Information Technology in Developing Countries Mini-track of the Organizational Systems and Technology Track.
Erwin G.J. and Blewett C.N. (1999) The Influence of Societal Context on Textbook Design in South Africa, in Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Vol 2, No 3, pp 41-56
Blewett C.N. and Erwin G.J. (1996). Dynamic Deadlock Avoidance: A Prototype, in South African Computer Journal, No.18, December 1996, pp. 24-31.
Blewett C.N. and Erwin G.J. (1996). EAGLE: A Script-based Embedded Expert System for Deadlock Avoidance, in Proceedings of the Third World Congress of Expert Systems, Seoul, South Korea, 5-9 February, 1996
Blewett, C, Cansfield, J, and Gibson, L (1996) - The Role of IT in Business Process Reengineering, in Proceedings of SAICSIT 96: Research and Development Symposium, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa, 26-27 September, 1996
Erwin G.J. and Blewett C.N. (1996). The Design and Usage of a new Southern African Information Systems Textbook, in Proceedings of SAICSIT 96: Research and Development Symposium, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa, 26-27 September, 1996, pp. 195-210.
Erwin G.J. and Blewett C.N. (1996). Use of a Southern African first-year Information Systems (IS) Textbook at University of Durban-Westville (UDW), in Proceedings of the 26th. Southern African Computer Lecturers' Association (SACLA) Conference, Bakubung, North West province, South Africa, 23-25 June, 1996
Erwin G.J. and Blewett C.N. (1995). The Design of a new Business Computing / Information Systems Textbook, in Third Annual Natal Conference for Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Systems, Theme: Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Systems Education, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 20 October, 1995. No proceedings published.
Erwin G.J. and Blewett C.N. (1995). Designing a new South African Textbook for Business Computing and Information Systems, in 25th. Southern African Computer Lecturers' Association (SACLA) Conference, Katberg, Eastern Province, South Africa, July, 1995. No proceedings published.
Blewett C.N. and Erwin G.J. (1995). The Application of Scripts to Deadlock Avoidance, in Proceedings of SAICSIT 95: Research and Development Symposium, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, 25-26 May, 1995, pp. 33-47.
Erwin G.J. and Blewett C.N. (1994). Preparing BIS students for South African industry: A new textbook, in Second Annual Natal Conference for Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Systems, Theme: Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Systems Education, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 14 October, 1994. No proceedings published.
Blewett C.N. and Erwin G.J. (1994). A script-based deadlock avoidance approach, in Second Annual Natal Conference for Computer Science, Software, Engineering and Information Systems, Theme: Current research in Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Systems in Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 14 October, 1994. No proceedings published.
Erwin G.J., Bowen P.A. and Blewett C.N. (1993). On the Contribution of Case-Based reasoning (CBR) to Building Cost Modelling, in International Symposium on Economic Evaluation and the Built Environment Proceedings, Vol.1, Knowledge Based Systems in Planning and Construction, Lisbon, Portugal, September 6-10, 1993, pp. 25-31.
Blewett C.N. and Erwin G.J. (1992). Automated Analogical Reasoning and User-developed DSS, in Proceedings of Expert 92 , Pretoria, South Africa, May 14-15, 1992.
Blewett, C., (1989) Automated Analogical Reasoning, University of Natal – Honours Dissertation
Theses and Dissertations Supervised
Rosemary Quilling, 2009, Multidisciplinary teams in Information Systems, Masters Dissertation (awarded Summa Cum Laude)
Adetilewa Akintola, 2009, Perceptions of and attitudes towards E-learning among managers and employees in a corporate organization in South Africa
Sharon Pillay, 2009, Does Facebook's terms and conditions affect its members' usage?
Upasana Singh, 2008, An identification of the factors that hinder the use of educational technology in teaching Information Technology relate courses at tertiary institutions in South Africa, Masters Dissertation
Motseki Majaka, 2007, IT Service Management – The key to achieving IT service improvement, MBA Dissertation
A. Fourie , 2006, A Business Model for Open Source Software, MBA Dissertation
M. Bhamjee, 2005, Project Management at Vodacom, MBA Dissertation
N. Buthelezi, 2005, Effectives of ICT at the Reserve Bank, MBA Dissertation
Abdul Khan, 2005, Teams in Collaborative Virtual Learning Environments, Honour’s Dissertation
Michael Noble, 2005, What effect does computer playfulness as implemented in the 3 Dimensional Virtual Learning Environment have on motivation?, Honour’s Dissertation
Alexander Pierides, 2005, An investigation into the effect of the Virtual Learning Environment on the cultural profile of the individual, Honour’s Dissertation
S. Nesbitt, 2004, Identifying the factors enabling IT leverage, MBA Dissertation
U. Naidoo, 2004, An effective Enterprise Architecture model, MBA Dissertation
Mary-Anne Harris, 2004, What effect does playfulness have on influencing attitudes towards learning computer literacy?, Honour’s Dissertation
Ivan Jason Sewsanker, 2004, Web tools for edcation, Honour’s Dissertation
Ruwaida Ismail, 2003, The impact of e-procurement on a firms competitive advantage, Honour’s Dissertation
Sarvas Naidoo, 2002, An investigation into the effectiveness of peer-developed software reference material, Honour’s Dissertation
Himal Govind, 2002, An evaluation of business and public perception of m-commerce solutions in the South African context, Honour’s Dissertation
Amith Parusnath , 2002, The influence of culture on technology-based learning, Honour’s Dissertation
Taahir Kathree, 2002, An investigation into the influence of culture on the use of a technology based learning approach that is based on constructivist principles, Honour’s Dissertation
Monal Mehta, 2002, The perceptions of South Africans with regards to Internet banking and the influence that culture has on their perception, Honour’s Dissertation
Gillian Wixley, 2002, An investigation into the effectiveness of the web to support distance learning, Honour’s Dissertation
Mohammed Jhavary, 2002, The influence of culture on online user support, Honour’s Dissertation
Sililo Imenda, 2001, An investigation into the suitability of the use of Technology Based Learning to support a constructivist learning environment at the University of Natal, Honour’s Dissertation
Jason Clarke, 2001, The influence of culture on learning with the BIS1 cause at the Natal University, Honour’s Dissertation
Manu Goel, 2000, The effectiveness of using electronic methods of communication for disseminating information between staff and students in a university environment, Honour’s Dissertation
Phakisa Mokheni, 2000, The influence of cultural context on learning computer literacy, Honour’s Dissertation
Kubashni Naidoo, 2000, The importance of culture on team roles in group-based learning, Honour’s Dissertation
Yu-chen Chu, 2000, An evaluation of the suitability of Computer Based Training across cultural groups with the South African context, Honour’s Dissertation
Louise Fouche, 1999, Data Warehousing: A new generation of Decision Support System, Honour’s Dissertation
Gary Scott, 1998, Building the best Data Warehouse, Honour’s Dissertation
Meeta Vallabh, 1998, An investigation into the application of call centres to improve customer services in business organisations, Honour’s Dissertation
Andrew Mysell, 1998, The successful management of projects, Honour’s Dissertation
Anisa Gordon, 1997, An analysis of achieving business process reengineering through implementing Information Technology, Honour’s Dissertation
Louise Gibson, 1997, Business Process Reengineering – An IT approach to organisational transformation, Honour’s Dissertation
Brandon Kreutzner, 1997, Information Management – Intranets and Infobases, Honour’s Dissertation
Linda Oldman, 1996, Is software development a profession in South Africa?, Honour’s Dissertation
Vanessa Heneke, 1995, Case Based Reasoning applied to computer auditing, Honour’s Dissertation
John Kelvie, 1994, The use of back-propagation as a training method for artificial neural networks, Honour’s Dissertation
Karl Fischer, 1994, The application of scripts in a centralised database deadlock prevention scheme, Honour’s Dissertation
Elizabeth Scarr, 1993, Factors influencing the success of a computer-based information system, Honour’s Dissertation
Kevin Cole, 1993, Indcution – An illustrative case study using C4.5, Honour’s Dissertation
Matthew Blewett, 1993, The automation of knowledge acquisition through the use of tree-induction methods, Honour’s Dissertation
Michelle Akal, 1992, The use of rule induction in Expert Systems, Honour’s Dissertation
Jason Lee, 1992, Expert Systems: Myth and Reality, Honour’s Dissertation
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